Dad was finally released from the hospital. You would’ve thought he spent a decade behind bars. The excitement to be healthy enough to walk, to be free of IV’s and ports was a deep desire. As a family unit, we felt like he needed to be cared for and assisted for at least a month, while he continued to gain back his strength and appetite. However, our definition of “cared for by family” did not include rules, curfew or schedules at 54 years old. After a week of… uncomfortable confrontation… I said “let’s get you home” and I busted him out of refugee camp.
He returned to the 11 acres on both sides of Miller Road, with his precious Luna. The Farm is where he really healed over the years and I believe he longed for that normalcy. It had already been in the works pre-surgery for a sale, and The Farm was public actioned on October 10th, 2020 by the one and only, Roy Good Jr. from Kline Kreider & Good Auctioneers. Thank you, Roy.
It was a long day for Dad, but he was SO glad to have been there for it. We had a lot of fun. Friends helped us do a food stand. I was able to bid on some items to give a few guys a run for their money, oh the suspense!! We sold just about everything except the corn out of the field. You know, he was ready. It was time to make a shift. We were over the moon when the bidding ended, with a price Dad was happy with, and thrilled to know that a young Amish couple was the winning bid. We had all hoped that it would remain a “farm”. & That it did.
Dad was able to stay there until December, while The Stoltzfus’s renovated the barn for his business. However, as Dad was receiving treatment, he was getting very sick some days and it was becoming challenging and unsafe for him to be so far away from me. God worked out another amazing miracle. We had asked around, just ever so quietly about apartments in the Denver area, that would allow accommodate him…. And Luna. All 75 pounds of her love and hair. And did He ever answer.
Cousin Doreen called. “HEY. Trista’s in-law quarter is available. You should go take a look at it. She’s just down the road from you!” whaaaaat?!?!? sooooo down I went, the 1.8 mile drive to see it. Oh my-was it just what we needed for Dad. Living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchenette. TV and dog bed. Done!
“Yep. We will take it. I don’t even need to talk to discuss it, this is a no brainer.”
He had planned to stay through December at The Farm, but after a pretty bad episode post-treatment, and 5 day stay in Hershey, I rallied the crew of lifelong friends… Jeff, Scott, Rodney, Curt… and a few others, to pack as much as each could in their trucks and to the new place we went!!! Instead of having to load up my crew of people for a 25 minute drive to The Farm, just to make sure Dad is OK, I could now drive 3 minutes and swing in. Swing in on my way to my chickens. Swing in on my way to the store. Swing in on my way home… he was now between all of my daily activities and my home. Jesus!! Seriously!! What did we do to deserve this space, just enough for him and the dog and I could go anytime, no rules or curfew. LOL. In fact . . . I made myself a key 😊 Such a relief to have him close by… and best part yet, since his space was connected below our cousin, Trista and Floyd, they were able to check on him, give Luna love and carry lots of hot meals down for him!! Floyd, your amazing cooking meant so much to him, and us as family. Your hospitality and tender words, care and chats really touched our hearts.
do do do…. Off to Dad’s I go!! *with such excitement* (Grabs 2 treats… he always wanted something sweet!) I would say to Scott, oh I’ll be back. You know, by 9 or 10 . . . Or midnight. Just going to sit and chat with my guy!!
And we did . . .
To Be Continued . . .

October 10, 2020. Can't go wrong with a cheeseburger at a sale!!
I love this picture.
Samantha got this put inside a necklace for each of us. My girls like to close one eye and closely "look at pop-pop"

The Best Guys in Town.